Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ethan sings in French! SO Proud of him!

Quand Dieu est là, je n'ai pas peur quand il est prèt de moi .
Je n'ai pas peur quand Il est en haut,
quand haut, Il est en bas,
quand bas, Il est à gauche,
À gauche, Il est à droit.
Je n'ai pas peur quand Dieu est là.

Here's what it is in English:

When God is here, I have no fear when He is close to me.
I have no fear when He's up high,
when He's down low,
when He's to the left and
when He's to the right. I have no fear when He is here. 

1 comment:

  1. We are so proud of you Ethan. (You too, Claire). You must have a special mommy and daddy to help you be this smart. We love you, Nona and Grandpa


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