Standing on the porch looking out at the clothes line. |
Doing my part of the laundry while Claire "helps." |
Ponderings on How...
I'm watching the clothes billow in the
sun and breeze while they hang on the line. It's very peaceful. I'm
thankful for calming visuals like this just when I need them. I've
been thinking about our interactions with neighbors in this
pre-language stage. It's made me contemplate how on earth we can
reach these people who need to know Him. Then looking at laundry, I
consider again – I can control nothing. Not the wind. Not the sun.
Not the hearts of people who need to hear of His love. Not even the
length of my own life.
How do we keep from becoming
discouraged while doing what we know God has called us to do? How can we possibly do what we have hoped to set out to
do? Just like doing laundry, I need to do my part of washing and
hanging the clothes & let God do the part of controlling the wind
and sun to dry them. I do my part in ministering and He always does His... the sun
and wind are there on days I don't do laundry too. He ministers to hearts in powerful words I do not have & will continue to minister even when I am not here.
Hmm. Plant the seed, it will get
watered, it's God's job to grow it.
Lord, help me keep you in focus
here – to know that You love us each one & You are doing a work
in me as much as in those I hope to minister to. Help me with my
faults and sins. Thank You for the daily reminders like laundry to
lift my heart!
Good ole hymn:
Higher Ground
I m pressing on
the upward way
New heights I'm gaining every day
Still praying
as I onward bound
"Lord, plant my feet on higher
Lord, lift me up and let me
By faith on heaven's table land
A higher plane than I
have found
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
My heart
has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay
some may dwell where these
My prayer, my aim is higher
I want to live above the world
satan's darts at me are hurled
For faith has caught the joyful
The song of saints on higher ground.
want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory
But still I'll pray till heaven I've found
lead me on to higher ground."